If you have a dead tree in your yard or need extra room, tree removal services clear out space while preserving the rest of your foliage. You can schedule tree removal all year round, but some seasons may suit your needs better than others.
Benefits of Removing Trees in Fall
Trees go dormant and shed their leaves in fall, making it easier for workers to remove them. They might also catch signs of decay on other trees that the foliage concealed. Plus, clean-up moves faster because most of the leaves are already gone.
Fall also provides a moderate climate for outdoor labor. Summer’s heat is gone, but the temperatures haven’t plummeted yet. When winter arrives, heavy snowfall and icy conditions make it more difficult to remove trees.
Plus, the ground is softer in fall, making trees easier to uproot. This minimizes the impact on the rest of your yard.
Drawbacks of Removing Trees in Fall
Some trees continue growing until late fall or early winter, so the tree might not be fully dormant. Additionally, tree removal adds another expense for busy families who are sending their kids back to school and gearing up for the holidays.
However, if your tree is diseased, decaying, or about to fall on your house, don’t wait to hire tree removers. The tree could damage your property or spread disease or pests to other plants in your yard.
Can You Remove Trees in Winter?
If you miss fall, winter is still a good time for tree removal. By winter, your tree is probably dormant and missing all its leaves. Some pests and diseases go dormant in winter, making it easier to uproot the tree without infecting the rest of your yard.
Still, harsh winds, cold temperatures, snowstorms, and downed powerlines make working outside riskier. In the fall, you might have an easier time securing an appointment at your convenience.
What About Spring and Summer?
Early spring is another ideal time because most trees are still bare and dormant. Pests and diseases haven’t returned yet, and the milder weather makes it safer for workers. Plus, you don’t have many flowering plants in the area.
You can wait until summer, but active trees covered in leaves are harder to uproot. Flowers, grasses, and shrubs in your yard could suffer from damage during removal. Other possible issues include excessive heat, live pests, running sap, and bird’s nests.
Ultimately, choosing when to uproot trees is your decision. When you’re ready, contact Tree and Green Services for tree removal in Auburn, AL.